UiB Blogg            

Teaching portfolio

Magnus Vollset

Teaching examples (presentations)


I usually share my presentations with students prior to class. Some use these to prepare, several use them to navigate and take notes during class, most use them to prepare for exams. Here are some examples:




PowerPoint lectures (some with guided notes)

  • MEDOD1: Introductory lecture, 75 minutes, one break, for new students in the opening week (2019, 2020). Presented in class and made available to the students for reference and repetition as PDFs. (Norwegian)
  • MED6: The history of the Norwegian health system, 105 minutes, one break, part of 6th semester medical school (2020). Basis for presentation moved online due to covid-19. Guided notes were made available in MittUiB (2020). (Norwegian)
  • HELSAM304-305: Source and source criticism, 105 minutes, one break, for a coourse on research methods at MA-level (2020). Presented in class along with guided notes with questions and useful links (2020), and made available for repetition. (Norwegian)
  • SDG303: The development of global health, a global perspective, 105 minutes, one break, for a course on global health – challenges and responses (2019) Presented in class along with guided notes (2019), and made available for repetition. (English)



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