UiB Blogg            

Teaching portfolio

Magnus Vollset

Activating the senses


I believe students learn more if more senses are involved. Here are some pictures of activities that take place outside the classrooms.


Teaching with objects

At Barneuniversitetet in September 2020, an event in the University Aula aimed at 12-year olds, I presented a history of disease, research and things, using objects from the medical collections. From the invitation:


En historie om sykdom, forskning og ting
Da koronaen kom, ble skolene stengt. Vi må fremdeles holde avstand, og vi må vaske hendene mye oftere enn før. Men hvordan vet vi hva vi må gjøre for å unngå sykdom? Hvordan kan gamle ting vise oss hvordan vi har forstått og forsket på kropp og sykdom?
Når vi blir syke, går vi til lege eller sykepleier. Det er fordi de vet hvordan de kan hjelpe oss bli friske. Det vet de fordi vi i over fire hundre år har forsket på kropp og sykdom.
I denne presentasjonen vil historiker Magnus Vollset forklare hvordan forskningen har foregått. Med seg har han tolv gjenstander som alle har lært oss noe om hvordan beskytter oss mot sykdommer. Tingene forteller en en fire hundre år lang historie, fra pestmasken, via mikroskopet, til dagens flaske med antibac. Og midtveis: Et egg.

Forberedelse for lærere: Presentasjon om hvordan det norske helsevesenet har blitt til som respons på epidemier og andre kriser, “Pandemier og smittevern gjennom historien: 400 år på 40 minutter”. Video er lagt ut her, powerpoint er lagt ut her.

[Video from the presentation]


City walks

Every fall I take new students from the University and the University College on city walks, where we visit the Leprosy Museum. In addition to learning some local medical history, and memorable anecdotes to tell friends and families, I hope the experience help the students feel welcome and start building a shared identity.

Students at the leprosy museum. Guide: Grete Eilertsen.

Students at the leprosy museum. Guide: Grete Eilertsen.

Students at the leprosy museum. Guide: Bjarne Thune.

Students at the leprosy museum. Guide: Bjarne Thune.

Students on parade

The lockdown during the covid-19 pandemic meant teaching moved online. In order to give the exchange students a feeling of place (and avoid cabin fever), I arranged historical walking tours (above and below).

Students on parade


The Armauer Hansen Memory Room

Every year I give 10-15 guided tours to at the Armauer Hansen Memory Room in Kalfarveien 31. The tours are attended mainly by students, faculty and visitors from other institutions.

Tour of Armauer Hansen Memory Room with (from the left) Anne Vaalund, Jon Røyne Kyllingstad og Lorentz Irgens

Tour of Armauer Hansen Memory Room with (from the left) Anne Vaalund, Jon Røyne Kyllingstad og Lorentz Irgens.


Students making a movie in the Armauer Hansen Memory Room
Students making a movie in the Armauer Hansen Memory Room



Another expression of my teaching philosophy of activating the senses is to shape the physical surroundings in which learning takes place. Here are some pictures behind the scenes of the exhibition projects.

Planning the Kleppe/Nygaard exhibition. From the left: Ian Holcroft, Lars Haar, Rolf Reed (behind), Ole Didrik Lærum, Bård Sværi.

From the planning of the Kleppe/Nygaard exhibition, which opened August 31 2020 (read more). From the left: Ian Holcroft, Lars Haar, Rolf Reed (behind), Ole Didrik Lærum, Bård Sværi.

Installing the Bjerknes medal collection at the Bjerknes Center.

Installing the Bjerknes medal collection at the Bjerknes Center. The Bjerknes medal collection officially opened in June 2020 (more pictures, poster).